We are proud to present to you a project we have been dreaming of for the last decade, and which we are now happy to officially announce.

Present in more than 300 organizations worldwide, Indico is an essential tool for thousands of researchers. Over the years, CERN received many requests from partner institutions wanting to use it. As a consequence we opened up our own server, indico.cern.ch, to the wider community, which has allowed so far more than 6,000 researchers in more than 50 countries to organize their workshops and conferences. The “Global Indico” category now hosts an impressive 12,000 events, all operating under a fair use policy. Encouraged by this critical mass, we are embarking on a new, ambitious mission: to elevate scientific events on a global scale through a dedicated server.

indico.global will cater specifically to smaller research centers, laboratories, universities, and educational institutions lacking the resources or expertise to establish their own Indico server. It will offer the complete Indico experience, supported by a production-grade service from the same team that develops the tool at CERN. Best of all, this service will remain free to use for all users!

indico.global is set to launch in December 2024, so mark your calendars and stay tuned for more updates and detailed instructions on how to host your event on indico.global!

In addition, the existing “Global Indico” category will be migrated to indico.global at the beginning of 2025. After the migration, all links pointing to Global Indico events on indico.cern.ch will automatically redirect to the new domain.

If you currently use “Global Indico”, you will receive an email with the timeline and additional information to help you prepare for the upcoming migration.

We look forward to welcoming you all in the Indico community!