This is a snapshot of Indico's old Trac site. Any information contained herein is most probably outdated. Access our new GitHub site here.

Development Process

Let's suppose that there are some tickets assigned to you in trac. Then:

  1. Change the status of your trac ticket to in_work (basically, choose the action start).
  2. Create a new branch in your local repo from origin/master (Follow the naming conventions: If the trac ticket milestone is a production version, then create the branch from that one instead of origin/master.
  3. Think before coding.
  4. Develop your module.
  5. Write tests using Indicop.
  6. Update the user documentation Dev/Doc.
  7. Write technical information in this wiki if needed.
  8. Make sure that every commit you do is PEP8 compliant. To ensure this you can use our pre-commit hook:
  9. Make sure that the commit closing the trac ticket has something like closes #1234 in the description.
  10. When finished, pull changes from origin, rebase and push.
  11. Change the status of your trac ticket to awaiting_merge (basically, choose the action request merge).

Every friday is WIP Friday! Therefore:

  • At least once a week (latest on Friday morning) you should commit your Work in Progress or Already Finished (but not integrated) tickets to your personal GitHub. Use our git push-wip alias:
  • Every Friday afternoon, everybody should spend at least 30 minutes reviewing other developers' WIP code and commenting in-line all the possible improvements and bugs. Do comment directly on GitHub. Here you can find the list of Indico Team Members:

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on 08/23/13 11:09:01