This is a snapshot of Indico's old Trac site. Any information contained herein is most probably outdated. Access our new GitHub site here.

Writing documentation

We use Sphinx to create our documentation pages, both API and User Guides. The files format is reStructuredText.

Sphinx and Indico

Before starting writing documentation, you will need to:

  1. Install Sphinx:
    • For Linux users, you can install sphinx with easy_install from !PyPi:
      sudo easy_install sphinx
    • For Windows users it will be easier to go to, download the ".egg" file and use:
      easy_install (file_name_here).egg

For more information go to:

  1. Install the needed libraries:
  1. Edit/create your *.rst file and save it. If you have created a new .rst you will need to add it in one of the index.rst.
  1. Compile your documentation site: make html. For Windows - you can use make.bat html.

  1. Check the result in the folder _build. It will be created here: Project_Path\doc\guides.

Important: please keep the documentation structure as it is.


The API doc is in: cds-indico/doc/api

User Guides

The user guides are in: cds-indico/doc/guides

Generate PDFs

$ make latex
$ cd _build/latex
$ make all-pdf

For Windows users: You can use "make" under Windows with the version provided into the package UnxUtils. Don't forget to add the path to the binaries to the PATH environment variable.


Q: Links do not work and URL hashes change.
A: In rst one writes links like this:

Go to the `Section 1 <#section-1>`_

If the sentence that you want to convert into a link ("Section 1") is the same as the title of the target section, the URL hash (#section-1) will be replaced by a random ID (e.g. #id3). To avoid this, write a different sentence for the link and it will work correctly.

Last modified 22 months ago Last modified on 12/05/13 12:01:59