This is a snapshot of Indico's old Trac site. Any information contained herein is most probably outdated. Access our new GitHub site here.
Posts by author jbenito

New: Vote for your favorite tasks!

During the First Indico Workshop we have discussed the possibility of configuring a platform which enables Indico administrators around the world to express their interest on some of the tasks that are scheduled for future releases. This may help us and the community better prioritising the Indico development.

Therefore, we have enabled a plugin in this project website which does just that. One can vote for the most interesting tickets (see attached screen shot).

We have also created 2 reports in order to:

  • List the most popular tickets (most voted):
  • Tool to list who voted to which ticket (type the ticket number on right-hand text box): This report is interesting in the case you want to contact the users that share the same interest in a given feature, and so start a development collaboration with them.

If you wish to vote for the tasks or enhancements you are interested in, you only have to sign in and visit the ticket page.

Hope this is useful for everybody!

Indico 1.0 released

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Indico 1.0 has just been released.

(git tag v1.0)

91 tickets have been closed for this release. The full list is available at:

Here are some of the most relevant ones:


  • Outlook plugin:
    • Now, Indico has a new plugin (calendaring) that enables the synchronisation of your participation in events with Outlook. When you are added as a participant in any event or when you register to a conference; an entry will show up in your personal Outlook calendar. Users can disable this option from its personal preferences.
  • Timetable:
    • The modification of contributions is now done via a popup.
    • When adding or editing a contribution, we can grant/revoke the submission rights of the speakers individually.
  • New Interfaces for:
    • Conference overview: added icons and new style.
    • Poster and Badges has been re-designed.
    • Option List and Scientific programme for Conference organization.
    • Warning pages: lock, delete, etc
  • Protection:
    • In the event protection page, warnings will be displayed if there are items inside it (contributions, sessions, materials) with a different protection.
  • Call for abstracts:
    • Added option to the setup page which enables track coordinators to directly accept or reject abstracts (before they could only propose).
    • Added feature to change a rejected abstract back to 'submitted' status.
  • List of Abstracts:
    • New layout for the list of abstracts, including a new tool bar and filters.
    • As well, new sorting criteria has been added: by modification date and by track.
  • Participants:
    • Added option to notify managers when a user applies for participation.
  • Conference support field:
    • Added the option to write, not only the email, but also the phone number.

Room booking

  • A new feature has been added to the room booking service. One can define the daily availability of a room. For instance, one could set that a room can be booked and used only from 8h30 to 17h30.
  • Third party applications can use our HTTP API in order to book a room.


  • When adding a new category manager, an email is triggered to all the other managers (optional)
  • Search has been pluginised.
  • HTTP API: added action to download files.
  • Performance improved: Using memcached (it can be enabled from indico.conf).

As usual, all your feedback is very important to us.

You will be hearing from us again in around 3-4 weeks time, when we will be releasing 1.1. This version is already in production at CERN and full of new features. You can already have a look here:

Have fun with the new version!

Best regards, The Indico Team

Indico 0.99 released

It is our pleasure to announce that we've just released Releases/Indico0.99 (git tag v0.99).

The release can be obtained from PyPI:

Please go ahead and easy_install it.

This is the last version before 1.0 (official release due in January 2013).

89 tickets have been closed for this release. The full list is available at:

However, here are some of the most relevant ones:

  • Indico is now distributed under version 3 of the GPL
  • Paper Reviewing - multiple changes in the interface, many bugs fixed in the workflow
  • Vidyo - several changes in the workflow, auto-mute, moderator PIN and room connection API (this latter is CERN-only)
  • CKEditor version update - now properly working on iPad
  • Conferences - redesigned "Author index", "Speaker index" and "Session display" pages
  • Event statistics - several improvements, now file downloads can be tracked
  • Links can now be added to "report numbers".

Some other nice things:

  • Web Session Cleanup is now done using a "janitor" task that can be added to the scheduler
  • Cookies now set the "secure" flag if in HTTPS, so that they are never sent in the clear
  • Material upload now polls PDF conversion service for converted file
  • Several fixes to recurrent errors caused by crawlers
  • Several fixes in the material editor
  • New currency editor in administration area
  • HTTP API now doesn't take into account "visibility" parameter (only user privileges).

As usual, all your feedback is very important to us. We've been working hard towards a stable 1.0 release and any bug reports will be most welcome.

Have fun with the new version!

Best regards,

The Indico Team

Indico 0.98.1 released

We are happy to announce Indico 0.98.1.

(git tag v0.98.1)

The release can be obtained from PyPI:

Please go ahead and easy_install it.

Some of the new features in comparison with 0.98:

New options

  • Timetable Drag & Drop: drag time blocks freely, resize them, drop contributions and breaks inside sessions, and undo last operation
  • iCalendar: generates URLs that we can use from our favourite calendar (Outlook, Google calendar, etc), both for public and private information (using pub/priv keys).

Interface improvements

  • Participants module has been redesigned
  • User search pop-ups everywhere (no more old-style HTML forms)
  • New face for Video Services Overview

Performance Improvements

  • Room booking: calendar: 25x faster, (PRE-)Booking in my rooms: 35x, My rooms: 15x.
  • Event list: loading past events by batches (infinite scroll).
  • Book of Abstract is now cached
  • Faster loading of event home page


  • Analytics compatibility. Administrators can include the necessary Javascript to use any web analytics tool like Piwik, Google Analytics, etc.

Indico 0.98-rc1 released

We are very happy to announce the release of our first release candidate for 0.98-rc1. This is the version that is already in use at CERN and that we now consider to be ready for use in other environments.

(git tag v0.98-rc1)

Please note that the Python package has changed name from cds-indico to indico:

(Don't forget to delete any existing cds-indico package before installing)

The easiest method to install Indico is still easy_install (pip not yet supported).

Here are some of the new features:

  • WSGI Support - mod_python _no longer supported_;
  • New search engine "push" synchronization tools - LiveSync? (replaces OAI-PMH gateway);
  • New scheduling daemon - replaces taskDaemon;
  • New HTTP export API - replaces;
  • Paper reviewing;
  • Contribution Import interface (for Invenio);
  • Social Share button - share Indico events in social networks;
  • Multi-file upload;
  • Integration with XMPP/Jabber chat servers;
  • Integration with Google Maps (Room Booking);
  • Experimental LDAP authentication support (thanks to Martin Kuba);
  • Babel-based i18n;
  • Performance optimizations:
    • Abstracts - acceptance (50x faster), listing (10% faster) and PDF creation;
    • Room booking - calendar (3x) and booking a room (10x);
    • Registrant listing (4x);
    • Contribution listing (2x);
    • Event (5x) and Calendar (4x) overview;
    • Category browsing (2x);
    • Reduction of number of database writes;
    • Memcache support;
  • Unit/functional tests;

Please note that if you are currently using the OAI interface to export events to a search engine, your current setup may need changes.

As you can see at:

Some tickets remain open. A small number of them will be integrated into the final 0.98 version, but the most significant ones will be shipped with 0.98.1. This will include:

  • Timetable Drag&Drop interface;
  • jQueryUI-based interface dialogs (as well as some widgets);
  • Replacing all old user search dialogs with pop-ups;
  • Further performance improvements:
    • Loading past events (loading in chunks);
    • "Bookings in my rooms" - improvements;
    • Caching "Book of Abstracts" and Room Booking Calendar;

Event though this is still the RC1 version (not final), we encourage everyone to give it a try and let us know about possible bugs and migration problems. We want to release a final version as soon as possible and your collaboration is essential for that.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration and a special acknowledgment to all the developers who have worked to make this release possible.

Indico Blog

Welcome to the official Indico blog! We shall announce here Indico releases and other relevant information about the Indico project.

Second candidate release for Indico 0.97 (rc2)

Details here.

  • Posted: 2010-10-25 19:02 (Updated: 2010-11-16 11:10)
  • Author: jbenito
  • Categories: (none)
  • Comments (0)

First candidate release for Indico 0.97 (rc1)

Details here.

Indico 0.97b is released

Indico v0.94.0 is released

New features summary:

  • Room booking module
  • Evaluation form module
  • Poster generation for lectures


cds-indico-0.94.0.tar.gz - tar file - 7 August 2007


The CERN production branch (which is always a bit ahead of the official releases) is accessible via anonymous CVS.

  $ export
  $ cvs login  (password is "anonymous")
  $ cvs co -r release_0_94-patches indico

Once checked out, go to the indico/code/ directory then copy the indico/code/dist/config.xml file in there. Then proceed as usual (" upgrade" then " install")


For upgrading from version 0.8.14 and previous, you must run the script "Tools/" after the upgrade

Indico now require python 2.4

For upgrading from 0.90.3 and previous version:

  • if you want to use the new html cache feature make sure the XMLCacheDir in config.xml is set to a path which is writable by the http server. Else, disable the cache by going to the "Admin" "Main" page.
  • PIL is now mandatory
  • reportlab version must be 2.0
  • run the following script:

o tools/indexes/ o tools/indexes/ o tools/indexes/ (only needed if you use the OAI gateway)

For upgrading from 0.92.2 and previous version:

  • run the following script:

o tools/ o tools/

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration form:

+ Log all mails sent to registrants + Registration form: possibility to configure arrival and departure dates in accommodation fieldabstract acceptation: directly select a target session + Registration form: allow disabling radio item + Registration: added link to event to notification email; sorted sessions by start date then title; default yes/no choices to "no" + Registration: personal data section is now configurable

o Badges/poster

+ Added "Amount to pay" field in badge printing + Added confirmation when deleting badge template + Global templates for badges and posters + Badges/Poster?: possibility to duplicate templates + Posters: added "Lecture Category" field

o Added duration and description to XML export of breaks o Added Jacow compatible xml-export + enriched standard XML export o Improved abstract display (newline for content, "not specified"->"None", repeated buttons...) o Abstract acceptation: directly select a target session o Contribution list: improved display (hide options when empty, added material list, clarified button names) o Make the user registration link configurable o Conference: cached static timetable page (parallel) o Timetable pdf: added "session color code" option

  • Meetings:

o Participants:

+ Invited participant: added useful error message in case the participant was deleted before acceptance + Participants: absent people are not display on the event page

o Session coordinator's rights section available only for conferences (not anymore for meetings) o Added possibility to compile the minutes from all talks on the top "write minutes" page o Write minutes: added "clear" button

  • All:

o Room booking module o Evaluation form module o Updated main user guide with "how to export data from Indico" section o Added "Users/Groups?" section in main user guide o Overview: added protected icon to protected items. o Clone: added calendar select tool o Added RSS feed to category overview page for the current day o Lectures management: "chairperson" -> "Speaker" o Timetable management: when clicking on a slot, scroll down the page to this slot o Poster generation for lectures o Category event list: lecture display also the name of the speaker o Category mgt: sort alphabetically subcategories o Added getCategoryInfo web service o Lectures: new "organisers" field o Lectures: new "Internal comments" field o Improved location display in overview pages o Email to pending submitters/managers: add direct link to item o Allow granting submission rights to groups o Contribution display page: added management icons o Improved compact display o ICal export: added event description o HTML tags are now correctly interpreted in PDFs o Added worker name to config.xml and page footers (load balancing) o Added board number to XML export o Possibility to grant modification rights to all conveners in one go o Possibility to grant submission rights to all speakers in one go o "Relocate contribution" feature: added session date to select table o Footer location text is now configurable from the config.xml file o Materials/Files?:

+ Added support for Office 2007 documents + Clarify error message when file does not exist + Added material submission icon for sessions + Protection: added "remove all submission rights" button

Bug fixes:

  • Reg. form: accommodation modif displays the correct dates
  • Sort sessions per time then title in tt management and pdf
  • Corrected bug in filtering registrant list (could not uncheck "--not specified--")
  • Contribution stayed invisible even after entering modif key
  • With cache activated, modif icons did not disappear when choosing "printable" format
  • Plain timetable edit tool: session deletion bug fixed
  • ICal export: make sure UTF-8 is returned
  • ICal export: got rid of linebreaks in all exported fields
  • Corrected bug in session protection tab (coordination rights given to groups)
  • Corrected bug with pdf creation of tt with subtalks and "display content" option enable
  • Interface: removed red pen icons in management area headers
  • Preserve location/room values when adding a user in item creation form
  • Corrected bug in indexing category when moving it
  • Corrected bug in room modification for breaks
  • Corrected various bugs in timetable management
  • Corrected bug with PDF generation (KeepTogether? passed a list instead of a tuple)
  • Corrected file upload page for subcontributions
  • Conference minutes writting page for sessions corrected
  • Got rid of all gifs in package
  • Badges: display error when badge template too wide for selected page size
  • File protection: allowed to change the protection even when the file is private by inheritance
  • Added unformated text for chairperson on lecture display
  • Calendar: when selecting categories unfold already selected ones
  • After logout the user si redirected to its current location
  • Event cloning: the creator of the new event is the person who clones
  • Conference clone: the display manager (menu...) is also cloned
  • Corrected bug access file modification on closed event
  • Allow to change task status at any time
  • Delete temporary files (uploads) on the server after the transaction is complete
  • Corrected bugs in registration form cloning
  • List of registrants page access forbidden if manager disabled the link in the menu
  • Got rid of wrap="hard" in all textareas
  • Participants: when creating a new participant, check first if he/she does not exist in the user db
  • Overview: do not display content of protected items
  • Preserve abstract formatting in abstract display page
  • Send email to registrants: cc list is now preserved when using the preview
  • Reschedule slot: time gap not applied to breaks
  • Reschedule session slot: update parents date when needed
  • Fixed bug in "(un)select all" in session conveners listing page
  • Avoid error message when index corruption in "Check dates" feature (event creation form)
  • "From:" field empty by default in chairman contact form
  • Improved management of the support email
  • Cache is really inactive when disactivated (does not try to access the path directory)
  • Cache is cleaned up when activated/disactivated
  • Fixed bug in editing category files/links
  • Corrected bug in xsl file preventing recent versions of python-libxslt to display an event

Indico v0.92.2 is released

New features summary:

  • Fixed cross-site scripting security issue
  • Latest news link in main menu
  • Added RSS feed for all categories
  • Added cache on overview main page

Latest release: cds-indico-0.92.2.tar.gz - tar file - 5 April 2007

For upgrading from version 0.8.14 and previous, you must run the script "Tools/" after the upgrade

For upgrading from 0.90.3 and previous version:

  • PIL is now mandatory
  • reportlab version must be 2.0
  • run the following script:
    • Tools/indexes/
    • Tools/indexes/
    • Tools/indexes/ (only needed if you use the OAI gateway)

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration form:

+ New general field in registration form could not be modified for previously entered attendants + Registrants: export first/last names in separate columns

o Deafult "other views" for conference is "standard" o Entering modif key for conferences redirects the user to the originator page o Possibility to select the timetable default style for a conference o Added the "amount to pay" value for badges

  • Meetings:

o Participants:

+ Invited participant: added useful error message in case the participant was deleted before acceptance

o Corrected bug in xsl file preventing recent versions of python-libxslt to display an event o Meeting menu header printable option: withdraw header and keep current style

  • All:

o Admin:

+ Allow groups in administrator list

o Materials/Files?:

+ Specific file types icons are displayed only when no other files are available + Allow deletion of material in category File tab + Display a key icon next to a resource when protected + Material Protection: allow to set the material to private even when private by inheritance

o Tasks/Alarms?:

+ Alarm cloning: copy only addresses (not Users)

o Fixed cross-site scripting security issue o Latest news link in main menu o Adapted ics export for clean integration with Outlook 2007 o Added lock on cache files to avoid cache corruption o "edit slot time" now updates the starting time also o "Search for users and authors": provide coherent search strategy (empty search returns nothing) o Log emails sent to speakers o Display shadowed-icons for color-blind people on event page o Unexpected errors are displayed with specific message o Added RSS feed for all categories o Added RSS support in o Added cache on overview main page o Event creation: added email notification configurable per category o Category admin interface: allow to select all conferences in one click o Changed "Access Control" tab name to "Protection" o Billable field of registrants are modifiable after the payment o Improved management of description field in display (wrapping...) o Added "Organisers" field to lecture creation form o Support for multi parts lecture creation o PDF: add abstract/contrib misc fields o Event dates modification: added "move timetable content" option

Bug fixes:

  • Badge printing: all registrants are printed now.
  • Correctly display HTML minutes (w/o adding extra <br>)
  • Category visibility: corrected bug when computing the visibility
  • Event creation: notification emails sent after commit to database
  • Category cache is cleaned up when an event is moved into
  • Room name is preserved in session creation form after adding a convener
  • NotifyModification? of event when report number is added
  • Domain protected event are not longer exposed to the AOI gateway
  • List of local group members works fine
  • Local group add member: Cancel button works as expected
  • Corrected bug in event creation form: "New" chair button now works as expected
  • "type" is taken into account when creating a new contribution
  • Chairperson text is now taken into account when creating a conference
  • Corrected bug with file upload not working in case of DB conflict

Indico v0.92.1 is released

New features summary:

  • Badge generator for conferences
  • Conference display: Added the possibility of specifying a created page as default "home page" of the conference
  • Support file upload to category
  • Account creation can now be moderated or be notified to site administrators
  • Site admins can disable account creation
  • Task management module per category

Latest release: cds-indico-0.92.1.tar.gz - tar file - 9 February 2007

For upgrading from version 0.8.14 and previous, you must run the script "Tools/" after the upgrade

For upgrading from previous version:

  • PIL is now mandatory
  • reportlab version must be 2.0
  • run the following script:
    • Tools/indexes/
    • Tools/indexes/
    • Tools/indexes/ (only needed if you use the OAI gateway)

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration form:

+ Added textarea field type + Added preview tab for registration form + Added confirmation message to registration form

o Call for Abstract:

+ Added field type "input" to CFA special fields + Added optional fields (textarea) + Abstract content field becomes optional in the abstract management of a conference

o Badge generator for conferences o Conference display: Added the possibility of specifying a created page as default "home page" of the conference o Created a special menu for conferences "other view" timetable contains: specific link to event home page and corrected link to printable version

  • Meetings:

o Participants:

+ Participants can be added and removed even after the meeting starts + Sorting participant list by names + Participants: allow to decline a request for participation w/o sending email notification

o Add "get material package" feature to meetings display o Added sxi files support on meeting display o Meeting display: sorted list of available styles alphabetically o Added default material types to meetings: "streaming video", "donwloadable video"

  • All:

o Users:

+ Added list of special rights (categ and event management) to user details page + Added status index to AvatarHolder? and status browsing option in user mgt + Add warning prompting user to enable cookies on login page (if cookies are blocked) + User/group search: search locally by default and give the possibility to the user to search other databases + User search: preselect user when search returns only one + User search: display number of results + User search result lists: sort alphabetically by name + Added checking function on email form fields

o Admin:

+ Admin interface: added group browsing (and group index) + Admin interface: added user browsing + Improved management area interface + Account creation can now be moderated or be notified to site administrators + Site admins can disable account creation

o Materials/Files?:

+ Support file upload to category + Support for all openDocuments formats (odp, odt and ods) + Material with same name and file name display the name only once + File upload: allow file renaming + File upload: added link to file from the file upload panel + Allow delete all material of the same type at once + Sorted material lists alphabetically + Get Material Package: include standalone contributions + Get Material Package: propose to restrict package to given sessions + Material: a material can now be hidden for unauthorized people. The default is "visible" + Added support for file types: gz, tar, zip, sxi, sxc, sxw, xls

o Timetable:

+ Introduced "screen dates" concept for official event dates not matching the timetable + Timetable management: allow breaks relocation + Sessions now have internal modification/creation dates

o Tasks/Alarms?:

+ Task management module per category + Email registration reminders sent every week (instead of every 2 days) and a maximum of 2 times + Task Manager: added interval and end date columns + Alert email: use short event URL when available

o Improved overview display o GenericMailer? is used everywhere o Improved visibility management (replaced "up x levels" with the name of the upper category in which the event will appear) o Got rid of "Serbia and Montenegro" in the available country list o Replaced htmlarea embedded html editor by fckeditor with additional file upload support o Domain restricted elements are advertised as "xxx domain only" instead of simply "xxx only" which was misleading o Propose abstract list or contribution list to selected contributions export to PDF o new parameter event specifying the type of event o Added support for keywords at event level o Added possibility to change the type of an event o Support keywords for contributions and subcontributions o Adding multiple report numbers for the same system o Added report number management to contributions and subcontributions o Clone: default period is 1 week. A confirmation message is added stating the number of new events which will be created o Improved stylesheet management for Indico styles (common header) o Improved item creation form: predefined lists of people are sorted and displayed NAME, Firstname o Improved event log display page (more readable) o Event creation emails indicate the type of the created event o Added event icons to overview o Added ical export for sessions (conferences) o Add managed sessions to "My sessions" page

Bug fixes:

  • Corrected bug with too long URLs in contrib/abstract/registrant lists
  • Corrected bug in registration form cloning
  • Corrected Serbia country code according to ISO 3166 (RS)
  • Corrected various bugs in timetable management
  • Session slot: deletion of a break if the slot location is custom
  • Participant registration: corrected bug with decline application
  • Meeting with empty title can be accessed from parent category
  • Corrected bug with multiple emails sent to registrants in case of db conflicts
  • Corrected bug with multiple VRVS bookings in case of db conflict
  • File upload now works
  • Display shortcut icon in IE
  • Conf timetable: corrected bug with item finishing at midnight
  • Speaker list is not empty if speakers were not also primary/co authors
  • Registrant page: corrected bug preventing from editing the sessions
  • Do an exact match when adding an email address to a user
  • Corrected bug when adding user to resource access list
  • Remove internal page when corresponding link is removed
  • Corrected bug in menu item ordering in "display" tab
  • Visibility was not taken into account in newly cloned events
  • File upload screen: when changing the number of files, previously entered information is preserved
  • Display session place and room (and not slot place and room) when slots are disabled in meetings
  • Task Manager: task was not deleted from conf pending queues when deleted in the TM
  • Corrected bug in Alarms modifications
  • Corrected bug which prevented the cloning of the alarms
  • Migrate Nice authentication to the new service with support of Lightweigfht account and listbox support
  • Overview now takes into account the start time of the event on the specific day
  • Date selection calendar: added missing last day in month
  • Users with specific access rights on part of an access key protected agenda can now enter the access key by using the "full agenda" link in the top menu
  • Protected agendas are not displayed any more in overview for non-authorized people
  • File action log: added user and father object information
  • Alert email: added room and signature: logged in user or empty string
  • Display correct room for slots in XSL views
  • Corrected bug when using "room used by other sessions" with empty value
  • Corrected bug which prevented from deleteing a break in a session in special cases
  • Corrected bug which prevented the creation of multi days sessions in conferences
  • Forbid starting dates before 1900
  • Corrected bug with empty description in conf program setup

Indico v0.90.3 is released

New features:

  • Administration: Add announcement feature

Bug fixes:

  • Timetable management: Fix rights checking for contribution creation in sessions

Indico v0.90.2 is released

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Author index: added coauthors o Allow to enter modification key o Added new timeschedule management interface o Registration form:

+ Added "Id" + sorting in the registrants list (Management area) + Added E-Payment module

  • Meetings:

o Automatically solve timing conflicts o Disable session slots o Possibility to send alarms to all participants of the event, with address list created at the moment of sendind the email o Participants list displayed on the main screen of the event o Added video/audioconference info in all display styles

  • All:

o Listings: All contributions' speakers list o PDFs are UTF-8 compliant o Added plugins system o Added merge user function o Inline minutes style: added minutes for subcontributions o Replaced icon keys with hover explanation bubbles in all styles o Indico mini logo in conf page leads to parent category instead of home page o Added menu in calendar view o Check uploaded file size > 10b else display warning message o Added background images to management area o replaced old file management system with new one o Improved category export to ical (for Google Calendar compatibility) o Alarm put in a separate page - Icon in tools o Added possibility to search for existing users to add as conveners from session modification interface o Log infos about creating / deleting sessions, slots, contributions and subcontributions o Added possibility to add chairpersons directly from conference/meeting/lecture creation interface o 'Type' and 'Board' fields in conference creation form available only for conferences o Added possibility to define conveners directly from contribution creation interface o Added changing password feature for local accounts o Interface for creating new contributions unified for whole Indico o Added possibility to define authors, coauthost and speakers directly from contribution creation interface o Action & Email log module o Participants module for lectures and meetings

Indico v0.8.14 is released

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration form:

+ Added radio buttons type(called multiple options/one choice) for the general registration fields. + Added tool to create generic statuses for the registrants (with export to Excel or PDF). E.g. One can create status as "paid", "vegetarian", etc and fill the info when the registrant arrives during the check-in. + Sending email to the managers (notification emails for the registration form) when someone modifies his/her registration. + Registrants list (Management Area): Improved display options. Two headers display (classifying by groups) and sorting by any field.

o Abstracts:

+ Excel output for the list of abstracts. + Now possible to "propose to accept"/"propose to reject" the same abstract several times by the same track coordinator.

  • Meetings:

o Clone feature accessible directly from meeting display o Overview: added link on meeting sessions pointing directly to the session in the timetable o Added display of small file icons for standalone ppt/doc/pdfs in the timetable

  • All:

o Room mappers (admin area): generic support for different room mapping softwares for different locations. o Added the database protection parameters to the config file (config.xml). o Added the color chart for choosing the background/foreground colors of the conference title (Management Area>Display). o Material public management:

+ New file upload feature for normal users (multiple upload) + Added file size and date in public file upload screen + Added file size and date + file conversion feature in public file upload screen

o Moved session closing button "main" tab to "tools" tab. o Added possibility to export a whole category to iCal. o Added ical to output formats. o Event creation buttons are entirely clickable, not only on the text link. o Alarms: Added creator to the list of FROM addresses and Removed the title of the event (no valid email address). o General: In the search of users (adding users as managers, access control rights, etc) not showing them when the account is not activated. o Improved the display of the date in the list of events within categories (if the event is over several days). o Added parameter to remove the header/footer: frame=no or fr=no. o [already in 0.8.13 but not announced] Added timetable and all the material to the 'offline website'.

Indico v0.8.13 is released

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration Form:

+ Possibility to create new general sections with specific form fields (textareas, checkboxes, etc) in the registration form. + Allows to sort the different sections of the registration form. + Displays registration info after someone registers. + Added "address" field to the list of fields displayed in the list of registrants (mngt area)

o New tool to create web pages in Indico by using an HTML WYSIWYG editor. Those pages which relate to a given conference can be added to the menu as done for external links. o Book of abstracts can be created from the management area, specifically from contribution list.

  • Meetings:

o Modified philosophy for material access control:

+ If there are two different keys for the event and a material, both keys are requested to the user in order to access. + If both keys are the same, the request is done only once.

  • All:

o Possibility to use '*' to list all the groups/users from the administration area. o Improved display for minutes. o Added name of the event creator in the management area interface.

Indico chosen by the ILC

The International Linear Collider Organisation chooses Indico as its official event management tool. The dedicated server is currently hosted by CERN.

Indico v0.8.0 is released

This new version contains a lot of bugfixes, improvements and a list of new key features, including:

  • The cloning of conferences, meetings and lectures has been greatly improved and is now fully operational.
  • The addition of new speakers, authors or managers not yet known to the system will now trigger an automatic request of registration.
  • The coordination control management has been refined: coordinators may now have different roles.
  • The submission of material/files has been improved by simplifying the interface.
  • The conference management module can be customised by enabling/disabling features (call for abstracts, registration, etc.)
  • Text colors for session, contributions and breaks can also be customised.
  • Many new time table views are available.
  • New recovery system: The system administrator can now easily recover a specific element of indico by using the backup files (e.g. contributions, sessions, conferences,...)
  • The new Ticker Tape feature allows displaying dynamic announcements about what's currently happening in the conference.
  • Help was quite extended and improved.

CERN Indico demonstration server launched

Check - The server has been loaded with all data from the CDS Agenda production server and shows the whole potential of the Indico software.

Indico v0.6.24 released

Indico v0.6.24 has been released

CDSware and Indico brochures available

Leaflets describing CDS products have been released: the CDSware brochure and the Indico brochure are available for download.

Indico project on LCG Savannah

Indico project on LCG Savannah. Check the bug tracker, and task manager.

Indico guides released

Indico guides for end users and for conference administrators are now available:

Indico v0.6.0 released

This new version contains a lot of bugfixes, improvements and a list of new key features, including:

  • ZODB3-3.3: Indico is using the new faster ZODB3-.3.3 database.
  • NICE: Indico lets you login using remote authentication. On your current CERN NICE/MAIL account can be used.
  • Registration form: Indico enables adding and customising a registration form for your conference.
  • Packaging and installation: the distribution and installation of Indico was improved using an XML configuration file.

Indico is installed in new places

The Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark, the FontisMedia Event Organiser and the DESY laboratory are already running their own installation of Indico.

Indico, the software behind CHEP04 Conference

Indico, the software behind CHEP04 Conference ! CHEP 2004 Conference has started with more than 400 contributions and 500 participants. Indico software provides the computing support to the conference information. 30,000 hits per day are counted throughout the week. Slides and videos of plenary sessions are all available from the CHEP'04 conference site.

  • Posted: 2004-09-27 01:00 (Updated: 2004-09-27 01:00)
  • Author: jbenito
  • Categories: (none)
  • Comments (0)

First stable release of Indico

First stable release of Indico goes live at CERN at! Version 0.4 is now packaged and ready for distribution. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

Indico Workshop

Indico Workshop takes place at CERN, starting at 2pm: results of the project and demonstrations of the conference management system.

10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments

"10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments" will use Indico as the internal tool to manage the 2004 event, taking place in Boston next September.

CHEP 2004 uses Indico

The Computing in High Energy Physics conference,CHEP 2004, taking place in September 2004 has selected InDiCo? to manage the event.