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Posts for the month of March 2006

Indico v0.8.14 is released

New features:

  • Conferences:

o Registration form:

+ Added radio buttons type(called multiple options/one choice) for the general registration fields. + Added tool to create generic statuses for the registrants (with export to Excel or PDF). E.g. One can create status as "paid", "vegetarian", etc and fill the info when the registrant arrives during the check-in. + Sending email to the managers (notification emails for the registration form) when someone modifies his/her registration. + Registrants list (Management Area): Improved display options. Two headers display (classifying by groups) and sorting by any field.

o Abstracts:

+ Excel output for the list of abstracts. + Now possible to "propose to accept"/"propose to reject" the same abstract several times by the same track coordinator.

  • Meetings:

o Clone feature accessible directly from meeting display o Overview: added link on meeting sessions pointing directly to the session in the timetable o Added display of small file icons for standalone ppt/doc/pdfs in the timetable

  • All:

o Room mappers (admin area): generic support for different room mapping softwares for different locations. o Added the database protection parameters to the config file (config.xml). o Added the color chart for choosing the background/foreground colors of the conference title (Management Area>Display). o Material public management:

+ New file upload feature for normal users (multiple upload) + Added file size and date in public file upload screen + Added file size and date + file conversion feature in public file upload screen

o Moved session closing button "main" tab to "tools" tab. o Added possibility to export a whole category to iCal. o Added ical to output formats. o Event creation buttons are entirely clickable, not only on the text link. o Alarms: Added creator to the list of FROM addresses and Removed the title of the event (no valid email address). o General: In the search of users (adding users as managers, access control rights, etc) not showing them when the account is not activated. o Improved the display of the date in the list of events within categories (if the event is over several days). o Added parameter to remove the header/footer: frame=no or fr=no. o [already in 0.8.13 but not announced] Added timetable and all the material to the 'offline website'.