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Indico 0.99 released

It is our pleasure to announce that we've just released Releases/Indico0.99 (git tag v0.99).

The release can be obtained from PyPI:

Please go ahead and easy_install it.

This is the last version before 1.0 (official release due in January 2013).

89 tickets have been closed for this release. The full list is available at:

However, here are some of the most relevant ones:

  • Indico is now distributed under version 3 of the GPL
  • Paper Reviewing - multiple changes in the interface, many bugs fixed in the workflow
  • Vidyo - several changes in the workflow, auto-mute, moderator PIN and room connection API (this latter is CERN-only)
  • CKEditor version update - now properly working on iPad
  • Conferences - redesigned "Author index", "Speaker index" and "Session display" pages
  • Event statistics - several improvements, now file downloads can be tracked
  • Links can now be added to "report numbers".

Some other nice things:

  • Web Session Cleanup is now done using a "janitor" task that can be added to the scheduler
  • Cookies now set the "secure" flag if in HTTPS, so that they are never sent in the clear
  • Material upload now polls PDF conversion service for converted file
  • Several fixes to recurrent errors caused by crawlers
  • Several fixes in the material editor
  • New currency editor in administration area
  • HTTP API now doesn't take into account "visibility" parameter (only user privileges).

As usual, all your feedback is very important to us. We've been working hard towards a stable 1.0 release and any bug reports will be most welcome.

Have fun with the new version!

Best regards,

The Indico Team


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