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Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#183 new defect

Invitation workflow for conferences

Reported by: pferreir Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: v2.4
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Nick just came up with a nice idea which would be to handle the invitation workflow for conferences: the organisers would easily enter a list of invited people who would then get an invitation email with a link to approve or reject the invitation. The person who has accepted the invitation would then appear in the registered people. This is quite a classical use case in conference management.
I wonder if we don’t have something like that already in the list of tasks...
Nick, don’t hesitate to come up with modifications/ additional ideas to this brief description if any.

Best regards,



Dear Thomas,

Yes this is the idea and I think it would be a useful feature in Indico.
However there will still be use cases where people do not receive and email and they answer by letter etc.
The Press and VIP office organize events like that. I think it is worth discussing with them before attacking this problem.




Dear Thomas, Nick,

The participant module does something like that.
You have a button invite participants here:

and after inviting, an email is sent to the person with a link like this:

Best regards,

and finally...

Yes, but this is for meetings. The use case is for conferences. Please keep this for implementation in the 1.xx line.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by jbenito

and also,

Jose hello,
To add to Thomas's answer the idea is that the list of participants to invite is loaded by a secretary or coordinator. People will not necessarily access Indico. This will allow the secretaries to create the badges but also to 'bring' the event to Indico.

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by jbenito

  • Milestone changed from v1.xx to v1.6
  • Priority changed from low to normal
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