This is a snapshot of Indico's old Trac site. Any information contained herein is most probably outdated. Access our new GitHub site here.

Indico v0.97.1

If you need a detailed installation process, please read here.


From this version one can install indico from command line as easy as this:

easy_install cds-indico


If you prefer to download the egg or tarball to install manually:


from v0.97b or Git Repo

The following should be enough:

$ easy_install cds-indico

$ indico_initial_setup --existing-config=/opt/indico/etc/indico.conf #replace with your path to your indico.conf

# restart apache
/path/to/httpd restart

The following command will also be required, if you're upgrading from v0.97b or an old Git version:

python -c "from MaKaC.common.db import DBMgr; \
DBMgr.getInstance().startRequest(); from MaKaC.modules.base import ModulesHolder; \
del ModulesHolder()._getIdx()['upcoming_events']; DBMgr.getInstance().endRequest()"

This will cause the configuration of your upcoming events list to be reset, so, if you had one set (if you don't know what it is, you probably haven't), you'll have to reconfigure it.

Finally, when you first open Indico, you should immediately go to the administration page, then Plugins and click Reload All Manually. This will take into account the new plugin settings.

from 0.96.2

Since the new version comes with more indexes, after installing 0.97xx you will have to run the scripts:


from older versions

Check the instructions here.

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 06/16/11 17:08:49