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There is an official Mako documentation. This page discusses some differences from Indico template language or presents problems that might occur while using Mako and suggests solutions to them.

1. Inline conditional constructs

Using Indico templating language one can write,

<div class="pageHeader <% if dark: %>pageHeaderDark<% end %>">

It is not possible to do this with Mako if construct due to its syntax,

% if expr:
    text to be printed
% endif

A simple solution to get an inline if in Mako is to use Python ternary operator,

<div class="pageHeader ${"pageHeaderDark" if dark else ""}">

2. Arguments to included files

It is required to declare what arguments the included template expects to receive. If there is a file EventHeader.tpl with code,

<%include file="SessionBar.tpl" args="dark=dark"/>

then the file SessionBar.tpl must contain a line,

<%page args="dark=None"/>

Here None defines the default value for dark.

Another important thing is that only the arguments that were passed to the render() method get passed along to the included templates. Local variables or pageargs from some template A.tpl will not be available in all the templates that A.tpl includes.

3. Whitespace between two expressions matters

In Indico the whitespace between <%= "a" %> and <%= "b" %> is ignored, so one for example would use one of the following,

<%= _("Name:") + " "%> <%= name %>
<%= _("Name:") %>&nbsp;<%= name %>

With Mako the whitespace is preserved, so the line above can be written in a simple way,

${_("Name:")} ${name}

4. Using curly brackets inside of ${}

There is a known limitation in Mako for using curly brackets inside of ${}. Usually this is a problem when there is a dictionary being constructed inside of ${}. If all dict keys are strings, then instead of,

${ beautify({ "UlClassName" : "optionList", "KeyClassName" : "optionKey" }) }

one should use,

${ beautify(dict(UlClassName="optionList", KeyClassName="optionKey")) }

If there exists a non-string key, then the following dict construction method should be used,

${ offlineRequest(dict([(termsDict[type]['paramsKey'], target.getId())])) };

Some of the other situations where this might get in a way are translatable strings and Javascript code,

${ _("This is a right curly bracket: }.") }

# bad example, but you get the idea..
${ "if (test == %s) { doSomething(); doItAgain(); }" % testValue }

In this cases the following workaround can be used (it can be used for dict as well),

<% text = _("This is a right curly bracket: }.") %>
${ text }
<% code = "if (test == %s) { doSomething(); doItAgain(); }" %>
${ code % testValue }

5. Conflicts between arguments and local variables

The following Mako template would give an UndefinedName error,

<% var = "new value" %>

This is not a bug, it is mentioned in Mako website and mailing list. If an assignment to a variable is found in a template, Mako assumes it is a local variable and not a parameter which was passed to a template. Therefore it does not take variable's value from the parameters passed to the template. If one needs to modify and use a variable between different templates, it is recommended to use a dictionary parameter as described in Mako documentation.

6. Built-in names

There are some built-in names that cannot be used as parameter names. Indico templates used the name self extensively to refer to the component that is being renderer. In Mako it should be replaced to self_ or something similar.

7. Continuous Python blocks should be merged into one

Indico template documentation recommends to surround each Python code line with <% %>. Mako generates faster code when continuous <% %> blocks are merged into one. This is because after <% %> Python code execution Mako updates a dictionary where it keeps some information about the variables.

8. Search path in inclusion mechanism

If the template A.tpl includes another template using <%include file="B.tpl"/>, then Mako searches for B.tpl in the same directory where A.tpl is stored. This becomes a problem, for example, when a template in the plugins folder tries to do,

<%include file="ConfModifCollaborationDefaultAdvancedTab.tpl"/>

and the file to be included is in the main templates directory. The problem can be solved by using full path:

<%include file="${TPLS}/ConfModifCollaborationDefaultAdvancedTab.tpl"/>

The variable TPLS is defined to be Config.getInstance().getTPLDir().

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 03/24/11 17:46:51