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InTRePId 13

Title: CSS extension and Client-side templates

Author: Pedro Ferreira

Date: 15/05/2013

Target version: 1.2

Status: draft


  • Introduce a language that is more powerful than CSS, thus allowing us to better organize new stylesheet information and reduce the amount of replicated code;
  • Introduce a client-side templating language, as a way of letting people create dynamic client-side interfaces with no need for "pre-generated" hidden HTML code and/or ugly giant jQuery "pseudo-template" chains;

Status quo

Stylesheet-wise, we are using plain CSS, most of which is concentrated in Default.css. With the introduction of a new CSS file structure (core.css, buttons.css, et al...), it would be nice to make sure this code remains organized and in the most modular structure possible. CSS poses a series of problems:

  • It lacks inheritance features, thus making it harder (or practically impossible) to re-use code
  • It lacks variables and other constructs, hence making it impossible to set global style parameters without having to employ a lot of automatic or even manual replacement work

Client-side templates are currently provided by underscore.js, but these are very primitive. underscore's templatinb language is extremely limited.



Language Nesting Mixins Variables Syntax Pure Python implementation? Requirements
SASS/SCSS Yes Yes Yes CSS superset or indented CSS-like PySCSS (no SASS support) Ruby or Python >= 2.5 (PySCSS)
LESS Yes Yes Yes CSS superset Incomplete Node.js
Stylus Yes Yes Yes Indented CSS-like No Python >= 2.5

JS Templating

System Syntax Feature set Extensibility
Handlebars Moustache-like OK High
twig.js "Jinja-like" Very complete High


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Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on 05/15/13 14:44:38