[[TracNav(TOC|noreorder|nocollapse)]] = Features = [[Image(htdocs:img/picfea01.png, 220px, align=left, margin-right=30, border=1)]] **Multiple event support** * Events organised in categories * Category-driven navigation * Time-driven navigation (calendar day/week/month overview) {{{ #!html

}}} [[Image(htdocs:img/picfea02.png, 220px, align=left, margin-right=30, border=1)]] **Flexible event representation** * Allows different views of the same event * Provides access to the timetable and various listings (participants, contributions...) * Stores all kind of files including pictures, transparencies, minutes, videos, etc. {{{ #!html

}}} [[Image(htdocs:img/picfea03.png, 220px, align=left, margin-right=30, border=1)]] **Full management of conference cycle** * Simple forms for creating events of various complexity * Easy setup of access and modifications rights * Call for abstracts, registration form, paper reviewing, track management, proceedings, listings... * Easy creation of timetable and customization of the conference website {{{ #!html

}}} [[Image(htdocs:img/picfea04.png, 220px, align=left, margin-right=30, border=1)]] **End user interactions** * Registration * Abstract submission * Paper submission * Slide upload {{{ #!html

}}} [[Image(htdocs:img/indico_formats.jpg, align=left, margin-right=50, border=0)]] **Multiple output formats** {{{ #!html

}}} To find out more about Indico's features, please check the [wiki:Documentation] page or, [wiki:Admin/Installation install] Indico or just give it a try [http://indico.cern.ch here].